The Association of Orthopaedic Practitioners UK


Update on Future Accreditation of the British Casting Certificate (BCC)

As you will all be aware from the 1st July 2023 Glasgow Caledonian University decided to withdraw themselves from the accreditation of the BCC qualification, and also decided to close the BCC course run out of the University.

The BOA has already engaged with several universities to gain collaboration and alignment to ensure we have the opportunity to maintain the academic aspect of the programme. This work is ongoing, and gives us an opportunity to review the content of the course in line with the level of academic recognition, with an aim of increasing the academic level to a minimum of a diploma based qualification.

The engagement and development of the new academic level and programme will take some time and during the interim period the BOA validated BCC courses, examination and qualification will continue (without the 60 academic credits), and will also retain the academic aspect of the reflections and assignment. This is to allow some form of accreditation for prior learning (APL) once we gain the accreditation through a new University. The above aspirational focus is to align the qualification to a higher level academic qualification which in turn will hopefully give us further information in order to be able to have discussions around the areas of professional registration and national profiles.

I will keep everyone updated on progress as we move forward.

Mark Rees BA (Hons) PCE, RODP, BCC BOA National Casting Training Advisor


This page last updated: 06 September 2023

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